EmpireLand - Everything To Know About Your New NFT Heroes

4 min readApr 6, 2022


From the past, there exists many heroes who have save Manohorg countless time. Among them, there is only ONE hero who is seemingly undefeatable. According to the legend, HE was the first hero during the time where dragons ruled the world. They call him, the Dragonslayer.

Will you be the ONE to recreate this mythical hero and add him to your mercenary collection during the upcoming NFT Sale event?

EmpireLand Hero Creation

In the world of EmpireLand, sir Knight can recreate and recruit historic heroes from the past using the method of “Minting”. There can only exists 10,000 heroes with different traits, making them all unique (which is why they are called Unique Heroes).

Heroes Trait

Each hero minted possesses various sets of traits (including weapons, necklaces, vambraces… etc). Each trait increases your hero’s power in combat, which gives them ability to bring back higher rewards (and also higher chance at winning combat).

A hero when minted will possess a total of 7 traits in various rarities: Common — Uncommon — Rare — Epic — Legendary — Mythic.

If a hero possesses all 7 traits of the same type, they will have have more power compared to other Unique Heroes, and are categorized based on the Mercenary Collection.

Mercenary Collection

Mercenary Collection refers to combination several equipment sets of the same type that give your Heroes traits of ancient Mercenary unit (think of it as they become a Mercenary class in a RPG when put on full set of that class equipment).

  • Unique Heroes: Heroes who have 7 traits of the same rarity will become a set

The rate to acquire a FULL set is 1/10k, which can only be 1 of each kind and they are REALLY RARE!

There are 6 complete Collections for 6 sets, ranking as below.

  • Rouge: Rogue is the lightly armored combatant who rely on master in-combat skill, stealth, nimble tricks to exploit their foes’ vulnerabilities to get the upper hand in any situation.
  • Crusader: To the commoners of Manohorg, Crusader could speak directly to the God of Light as their religious belief is unquestionable. They are tireless and know neither fear, hardship nor despair.
  • Centurion: Centurion is the veteran commander of ancient armies. They are heavily armored, wielding heavy maces in arms. Being the frontline of the armies, Centurions are fiercely loyal warriors who never look upon death with terror.
  • Death Knight: Fueled with unholy frenzy and without fear for his own life, the Death Knight cast himself into the midst of battle, arousing terror amongst enemies. Armed with a giant axe/scythe, their unstoppable attacking forces could even route an outnumbering force. It was said when they attacked, they howled like wolves of Hell, neither iron nor fire could harm them as they didn’t know pain. (More details here)
  • Paladin: Paladin is the champion of justice, valor and the Light. They always stand directly in front of the enemies, relying on heavy armor and a titanic hammer to drive down the Evil. They are very religious and fully devoted to kindness and strict honor code. To defeat a Paladin with a cause is deemed almost impossible. (More details here)
  • Dragonslayer: Dragonslayer, armed with the best MYTHIC armors and weapons in the world, fear nothing, for even Death fears them. While boasting powerful melee abilities, this hero supplement their strength with dark magic. Therefore, they are able to withstand the hottest flame of dragons without getting injured. (More details here).

* Note: If you ever mint ANY 1 of these 6 set of Mercenary and does not plan to keep them in your army. The team at EmpireLand will gladly buy back with the price of $3k at minimum.

Should You Acquire Mercenary Heroes?

Sir Knight probably wondering should you spend your precious gold to purchase the Mercenary Pack on the upcoming sales?

Fear not, compared to a normal one, Mercenary Heroes can bring you these benefits:

More Power - More Reward

  • Their power points are unique. For example: if the Mercenary minted is a common one, he could still have a variety of power points, instead of fixed points. In the future, tier Hero could only have fixed power points — they are also lower than average points of Mercenary Heroes.
  • More Power points helps Mercenary to gain efficiency in PvE mode (more token gains, more NFT fragments…). To own Mercenary Heroes is the only way to earn rewards in the first phase of the game.
  • When it comes to PvP battles. Each Mercenary Hero has a unique skill which helps them a lot in PvP mode. For example, they can use the ability to destroy more hexes on the battlefield vertically or horizontally.

Note: In terms of game balancing, we assure you one thing: in PvP mode, they are definitely better, but only in the hands of a true tactician because Empireland is the game favoring brain-use rather than spamming buttons without thinking.

Special Privilege Accesses:

  • Owners of Mercenary Heroes are able to join the Retroactive Airdrop Program, including Sharing Staking Pool, Earning Daily tokens. They can also join the early EmpireLand’s Beta test world or earn more tokens from the testing event.
  • There is a Hero Staking Pool (opening for a month). Sir knights have to stake and lock their heroes for at least 20 days to share the pool’s prizes. Each week there will be a snapshot scheduled. Sir knights who are still staking in the pool will be given a role in Empireland’s Discord. They also are able to join the daily EmpireLand world to earn tokens early. (There will be 4 snapshots in total).

* Note: More details will be updated in the next article.

That’s it for the Heroes of EmpireLand. May Goddess Luck be on your side. We will see sir knights in future updates. Remember to join our base on Discord for more information.

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