Time For Rewards - How To Stake EmpireLand Heroes In 1 Minutes!

4 min readMay 1, 2022


It’s finally here, oh brave knights of EmpireLand !! The wait is over, as our treasury is now opened for staking. Time to send out your summoned Mercenary Heroes from the last Exodus event and earn back your reward 💰

About The Mercenary Heroes Staking

EmpireLand has just announced their treasury is now opened!

Here are the details of staking event:

  • Open: May 1st, 2022 (1pm UTC)
  • Close: May 31st, 2022 (1pm UTC)

What To Prepare?

Here are what required to participate staking:

  • A Metamask Wallet connected to Fantom Opera network.
  • At least 1 Mercenary Hero in said wallet account

In case you missed it, here is the detail of the Great Exodus Minting event, as well as tutorial on how to get a Metamask connected to Fantom Opera:

If you have joined the last Great Exodus event, then you should have your summoned Mercenary Heroes at the ready. Other than that, you should also have Metamask wallet connected to Fantom Opera Network.

How To Stake Mercenary Heroes?

Before we start, please read through carefully our note:

Some Extra Note:

  • Each wallet can only stake ONE time, with a maximum of 10 NFT Heroes. Sir knights can change staked Heroes so be careful
  • Discord username can only be used ONCE and cannot be edited
  • You can only withdraw NFTs in specific unlock time! If sir knights want to increase your staking, please use another wallet with the same Discord name.

If sir knights have understand, we can begin.

Step 1: Firstly, visit this website:


Head over to Airdrop Treasury Tab at the top menu. (or navigate to My Airdrop Treasury at the end of EmpireLand website)

Then Connect Wallet at the top-right corner of the website. It should shown your wallet address.

Now click the Stake NFTs button.

Step 2: A dashboard will pop up like this pic below.

Click on EmpireLand Logo at the right side to start staking.

Step 3: A new menu will show up, tick to select your NFT Heroes at the top-half.

Then scroll down to choose the Unlock time. After that hit the Confirm Stake button

You will be redirected to the earlier dashboard, with all information filled-in.

Step 4: Make a final check

  • If you want withdraw any heroes, click Withdraw at the left side of the dashboard. Confirming the transaction on Metamask notification (and paid some fees in $FTM) will withdraw all heroes so you can start over the selection progress.
  • If you have made your choice, scroll down the heroes list then click stake. After confirming the transaction on Metamask notification, your heroes will then be staked and cannot be edited or withdraw until later on.

With that, you have successfully staked your heroes. Your heroes can returned to you with rewarded EPL token on the specific Unlock Time.

When sir knights finished staking your heroes, feel free to head to our Discord base to participate more events. We will see sir knights in the next updates.

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